Javni razpis za sofinanciranje operacij gradnje novih manj�ih proizvodnih naprav za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije (oznaka: JR SE OVE 2021)

Predmet razpisa: Predmet javnega razpisa je dodelitev finančnih spodbud (nepovratnih sredstev) za sofinanciranje nakupa in vgradnje naprav za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije, kar vključuje tudi nakup in vgradnjo tovrstnih naprav za namen samooskrbe z električno energijo ter hranilnikov energije (v nadaljevanju: operacija). Finančne spodbude se dodeljujejo kot dr�avne pomoči in so namenjene nakupu in vgradnji naprav za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije (v nadaljevanju: SE OVE).


Upravičeni nameni: V investicijski dokumentaciji (v nadaljevanju: ID) operacije mora biti jasno in nedvoumno razvidno, da gre za upravičen namen po tem javnem razpisu in da operacija izpolnjuje vse pogoje, ki so zahtevani v razpisni dokumentaciji.


Upravičen namen je:


a) nakup in vgradnja naprav za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije do 10 MW,

b) nakup in vgradnja opreme, ki je neposredno povezana s pridobivanjem električne energije z izrabo sončne energije, hranilnikov energije z močjo, ki je enaka ali manj�a od moči vgrajenih naprav za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije, in priključitev na elektroenergetsko omre�je,

c) stro�ki storitev strokovnega nadzora gradnje v vrednosti 3 % od upravičenih stro�kov operacije, pri čemer dejavnosti iz točke b) in točke c) predstavljajo upravičen namen le ob sočasni prijavi dejavnosti iz točke a) na javni razpis.

Operacije se izvajajo v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi in Navodili organa upravljanja v Republiki Sloveniji ter veljavnimi predpisi v EU.


V okviru tega javnega razpisa se lahko sofinancira le nalo�be, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje Pravilnika o finančnih spodbudah za energetsko učinkovitost, daljinsko ogrevanje in rabo obnovljivih virov energije (Uradni list RS, �t. 52/16, 59/16 - popr. in 158/20 - ZURE, v nadaljevanju: Pravilnik). V skladu z navedenim Pravilnikom se sofinanciranje v okviru javnega razpisa izvaja po pravilih dr�avnih pomoči za prijavitelje, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje po 8. in 9. členu Pravilnika.


Dr�avne pomoči so namenjene za nalo�be v gradnjo novih naprav za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije, to je za t.i. začetne nalo�be po Pravilniku.


Upravičeni stro�ki: Upravičeni stro�ki so:


a) nakup in vgradnja naprave za pridobivanje električne energije z izrabo sončne energije,

b) nakup in vgradnja hranilnika energije,

c) pripadajoča električna in�talacija in oprema,

d) priprava in izvedba obrtni�kih in instalacijskih del,

e) strokovni nadzor v vrednosti 3 % od upravičenih stro�kov operacije.

Upravičeni stro�ki so lahko upravičeni le v okviru upravičenega namena. Sofinanciranje ne bo odobreno za nakup rabljenih naprav, pilotnih naprav in prototipnih naprav


Stro�ki in izdatki so upravičeni, če:


so z operacijo neposredno povezani, so potrebni za njeno izvajanje in so v skladu s cilji operacije;

so dejansko nastali; za dela, ki so bila opravljena; za blago, ki je bilo dobavljeno; za storitve, ki so bile izvedene;

so pripoznani v skladu s skrbnostjo dobrega gospodarja;

nastanejo in so plačani v obdobju upravičenosti;

temeljijo na verodostojnih knjigovodskih in drugih listinah;

so izkazani v skladu z veljavnimi pravili Skupnosti in nacionalnimi predpisi in

je oprema kupljena in vgrajena s strani tretjih oseb pod tr�nimi pogoji, pri čemer za tretje osebe ne morejo �teti osebe, ki so več kot 25 % lastni�ko ali kapitalsko povezane s prijaviteljem.



Pogoji za sodelovanje: Prijavitelji po tem javnem razpisu so gospodarske dru�be in samostojni podjetniki posamezniki po Zakonu o gospodarskih dru�bah in zadruge po Zakonu o zadrugah.


Več o pogojih najdete tukaj.


Vrednost razpisa: Vi�ina nepovratnih sredstev, ki je na razpolago za sofinanciranje operacij po tem javnem razpisu, zna�a 5.000.000,00 EUR v obdobju 2021 do 2023.


Razpisnik: Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo


Rok: Javni razpis je odprt do porabe sredstev oziroma najkasneje do 25. 2. 2022.


Dodatne informacije: Morebitna vpra�anja je mogoče posredovati po elektronski po�ti na naslov: mzi.jr-ove@gov.si, pri čemer v �Zadevo� sporočila navedite sklic na javni razpis (JR SE OVE 2021).


Razpisna dokumentacija: Brezplačno razpisno dokumentacijo lahko prosilci dobijo na spletnih straneh: www.energetika-portal.si/javne-objave/.


Potencialni prijavitelji jo lahko naročijo tudi s pisnim zahtevkom po elektronski po�ti na e-naslov: mzi.jr-ove@gov.si do objave o porabi sredstev.


AddressLangusova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Disclaimer : Below text is machine translated. For accuracy refer the original language text given above.  



Public tender for co-financing operations for the construction of new small-scale production plants for the production of electricity using solar energy (code: JR SE OVE 2021)

Subject of the tender: The subject of the public tender is the allocation of financial incentives (grants) for co-financing the purchase and installation of electricity generation facilities using solar energy, which also includes the purchase and installation of such devices for self-sufficiency and energy storage (hereinafter: operation). The financial incentives are granted as state aid and are intended for the purchase and installation of installations for the production of electricity using solar energy (hereinafter: SE RES).


Eligible purposes: The investment documentation (hereinafter: ID) of the operation must clearly and unambiguously state that it is a legitimate purpose under this public tender and that the operation meets all the conditions required in the tender documentation.


The legitimate purpose is:


a) purchase and installation of devices for the production of electricity using solar energy up to 10 MW,

b) purchase and installation of equipment directly related to the production of electricity using solar energy, energy storage facilities with a power equal to or less than the power of installed installations for the production of electricity using solar energy, and connection to the electricity network,

c) the cost of professional construction supervision services in the amount of 3% of the eligible costs of the operation, whereby the activities referred to in point b) and point c) constitute a legitimate purpose only when the activities referred to in point a) are submitted to the tender.

Operations are carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations and the Instructions of the Managing Authority in the Republic of Slovenia and the applicable regulations in the EU.


Only investments that meet the conditions of the Rules on Financial Incentives for Energy Efficiency, District Heating and the Use of Renewable Energy Sources (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 52/16, 59/16 - amended and 158/20) may be co-financed within this public tender. - ZURE, hereinafter: the Rules). In accordance with the above-mentioned Rules, co-financing within the framework of a public tender is carried out in accordance with the state aid rules for applicants who meet the conditions under Articles 8 and 9 of the Rules.


State aid is intended for investments in the construction of new plants for the production of electricity using solar energy, ie for t.i. initial investment under the Rules.


Eligible costs: Eligible costs are:


a) purchase and installation of a device for generating electricity using solar energy,

b) purchase and installation of an energy storage,

c) associated electrical installation and equipment,

d) preparation and execution of craft and installation works,

e) technical supervision in the amount of 3% of the eligible costs of the operation.

Eligible costs can only be eligible within the eligible purpose. Co-financing will not be approved for the purchase of second-hand devices, pilot plants and prototype devices


Costs and expenses are eligible if:


they are directly related to the operation, are necessary for its implementation and are in line with the objectives of the operation;

they actually arose; for work performed; for goods delivered; for services performed;

are recognized in accordance with the diligence of a good steward;

are incurred and paid during the eligibility period;

based on authentic accounting and other documents;

are demonstrated in accordance with applicable Community and national rules, and

the equipment is purchased and installed by third parties under market conditions, and third parties cannot be considered to be persons who are more than 25% owned or capital related to the applicant.



Conditions for participation: Applicants under this public tender are companies and sole proprietors under the Companies Act and cooperatives under the Cooperatives Act.


More about the conditions can be found here.


Tender value: The amount of the grant available for co-financing operations under this public tender is EUR 5,000,000.00 in the period 2021 to 2023.


Call: Ministry of Infrastructure


Deadline: The public tender is open until the funds are used up, or no later than 25 February 2022.


Additional information: Any questions can be sent by e-mail to the address: mzi.jr-ove@gov.si, and in the "Subject" of the message, provide a reference to the public tender (JR SE OVE 2021).


Tender documentation: Applicants can obtain free tender documentation on the following websites: www.energetika-portal.si/javne-objave/.


Potential applicants can also order it with a written request by e-mail to the e-mail address: mzi.jr-ove@gov.si until the announcement of the use of funds.